Who we are
Catherine House provides accommodation and support services for women experiencing homelessness in South Australia.
Through a recovery oriented focus, women are offered a safe, supportive environment with opportunities to achieve improved personal and economic wellbeing.

Our Logo
The Catherine House Logo is of a woman standing tall, her legs elongated to give the impression of inner strength and resilience. She is holding her hands in celebration of taking control and giving herself shelter in a difficult time. Her legs are different lengths to emphasise movement – she is moving forward, and progressing positively with her life.

Diversity & Inclusion
Catherine House is responsive to the needs of our diverse community and provides all clients with a welcoming, inclusive environment. We aim to provide services that are free from bias, discrimination and avoid stereotyping and mistaken assumptions on the basis of people’s sex, marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, breastfeeding, sexual orientation, gender history, health status, race, nationality, colour or ethnic origin, age, religious or political conviction, impairment or disability and family responsibility or family status.