
Need Help?

In an emergency, contact 000 immediately.

For non-urgent police attendance, please call 131 444.

Contact Catherine House

If you are looking for Emergency Accommodation, please contact Catherine House on (08) 8232 2282 (option 1).

If contacting us by email is an easier or safer option, please email: [email protected]

Homeless Connect

Free call: 1800 003 308

Homelessness and Housing Services

Centrelink: 13 24 68

Housing SA: 131 299

South Australian Civil and Administration Tribunal (SACAT): 1800 723 767

Affordable SA: https://affordablesa.com.au/

Homelessness service provider directory:

Counselling Services

Relationships Australia: 1300 364 277

SHINE SA: 8300 5300

Lifeline: 13 11 14 (24-hour line)

Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault Services

1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732

Domestic Violence and Aboriginal Family Violence Gateway: 1800 800 098 (24-hour line)

Yarrow Place (Rape & Sexual Assault Service): 1800 817 421

Coercive Control Resource: https://seethesigns.sa.gov.au/

Moving Out Information

MoneySmart – Moving out of home guide:

Real Estate – A first timer’s guide to moving out on your own:

Pets and Homelessness

Paws & Pals Homeless Support:

Need Help Pets

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