Outreach Support

The Catherine House Outreach Service provides additional support to women exiting our programs to support their transition to living independently and connecting to their new community.

Each woman has a case worker who will assist her to maintain her new accommodation and tenancy requirements. This is a vital step towards ending her homelessness – for good.

The Catherine House case workers also assist women to keep on track with the goals they began working on whilst they were living at Catherine House.

“A year ago, I moved into my current house, a house I would not have without the help of Catherine House. I am so incredibly grateful for everything Catherine House has done and continues to do for me and vulnerable women in our community.

The work that Catherine House does is incredibly important and not only life-changing, but in a lot of cases, life-saving. I honestly don’t know where I would be or what my life would look like if it wasn’t for Catherine House.”

– Client testimonial

Outreach Support

“I moved into the Catherine House Outreach Program where I have access to my case worker. I am able to have my daughters and granddaughters visit regularly which is very pertinent for me. I don’t think I could have achieved this big step of living on my own due to my anxieties. My life has been all the more easier because of the constant support of Catherine House.”

– Client testimonial

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