About Us
Catherine House provides accommodation and support services for women over the age of 18, unaccompanied by children, experiencing homelessness in South Australia.
Our Mission
Through a recovery oriented focus, women are offered a safe, supportive environment with opportunities to achieve improved personal and economic wellbeing.
Our History
Catherine House was founded in 1988 by the Sisters of Mercy to address an unmet need for women experiencing homelessness in Adelaide. Originally supported by the South Australian Housing Authority and the City of Adelaide, Catherine House opened with just 12 rooms. In subsequent years, our vital organisation has grown and refined its model, and is now recognised as South Australia’s only recovery based service for women experiencing homelessness.

Our Recovery Model
Catherine House can now accommodate up to 60 women per night, plus outreach services to women living in the community. Providing women with a safe, supportive environment to recover from homelessness and the issues they are dealing with is vital to their recovery and overall wellbeing. Our mental health programs offer women an opportunity to receive a range of individual support services.
Our education services develop not only practical skills such as literacy, numeracy and job seeking, but also self-development and training courses that help women who have experienced trauma to rediscover their voice, learn to make good decisions for themselves, and make plans for their future.

Housing Choices South Australia Merger
In January 2021, Catherine House proudly joined the Housing Choices Group of Companies, to become part of Housing Choices South Australia (HCSA). Housing Choices is a leading national non-profit community housing organisation that holds the same values as Catherine House.
The merger combined Catherine House’s decades of experience transitioning women out of homelessness to a life of recovery, stability, and independence, with Housing Choices’ significant capacity of a capable and efficient community housing provider.
You can read more about Housing Choices at housingchoices.org.au/south-australia/