Mental Health Programs

Catherine House offers two mental health programs, both offering accommodation and support services to women living with mental health issues.

Mental Health Programs


The Catherine House Recovery Program has been operating since 2003, and was the first dedicated mental health homelessness service for women in South Australia.

The program provides supported accommodation to women 18 years and older who are currently experiencing homelessness and are living with a diagnosed mental health condition. The service operates 24/7 and can accommodate up to 12 women at a time. Seven of the women live in a communal residential setting with an additional five women in single-living independent accommodation located nearby.

The Recovery Program operates within a psychosocial framework of service, based on recovery and rehabilitation principles.

Each woman is provided with a case worker who assists the client to identify goals they want to achieve. These include:

  • Improving mental, emotional, and physical health and wellbeing
  • Building confidence, capability, and decision making skills
  • Developing life skills that are needed to maintain a tenancy (budgeting, paying bills maintaining a tenancy)
  • Education and employment; identifying current skills and knowledge and planning further development or employment goals
  • Social and community inclusion and participation
  • Other personal goals

“When you enter the Recovery Program you are assigned a Case Worker to help you sort out your life. They help you to piece your life back together, assisting with phone calls, going to appointments and decision-making. The Case Workers and the rest of the staff not only advocate for you, but also nurture and celebrate every little achievement. They are persistent in a very kind and gentle way. So, before you know it you have your affairs sorted and a support network which, in turn, gives you the space to breathe and focus on your issues.”

– Client testimonial

Mental Health Programs

Permanent Supported Accommodation Program

The Permanent Supported Accommodation Program is home to 12 clients. Opened in February 2009, the program provides congregate living for women who have experienced long-term chronic mental illness, significant periods of institutional living and homelessness.

This service is staffed 24/7, and since 2019, clients in this program are fully supported by NDIS funding.

Services offered include:

  • Assistance with individualised daily activities to live well with as much autonomy as possible
  • Support engaging with relevant health services and other professionals
  • Assistance with engaging in community, social and recreational activities
  • Assistance to achieve clients’ NDIS goals, which include capacity building

“The Permanent Supported Accommodation Program (PSAP) offers a safe, friendly and comfortable environment, with access 24/7 to wonderful caring staff who are always available to have a chat or help. The staff regularly request feedback and take our input seriously, which makes me feel listened to and cared for on all levels.

The program offers great food, access to daily essentials, our own bedrooms with a TV and bathroom, and a social environment. The staff help us with managing the NDIS and accessing activities in the community and working towards our goals.”

– Client testimonial

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