Homelessness Facts

Homelessness can happen to anyone.

  • More than 122,400 people across Australia are currently experiencing homelessness.
  • People rough sleeping represent less than 7% of all people without a home in Australia. The majority live in temporary, insecure or unsafe housing conditions.
  • In Australia, the biggest driver of women experiencing homelessness is domestic and family violence. Some women are more likely to experience homelessness than others. Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander women, women with disability, women from migrant or refugee backgrounds, and women with a mental illness are more vulnerable to homelessness.
  • Main reasons women and girls seek support from homelessness services:
    • 38% Domestic and Family Violence.
    • 29% Housing crisis, inappropriate housing or accommodation ending.
    • 15% Financial issues and housing affordability.
  • In South Australia, more than 6,000 people experience homelessness each night, and more than 30,000 people are on the State’s social housing waiting list.
Homeless Facts

Useful Links & Resources

ABS – Census of Population and Housing: Estimating Homelessness: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/housing/census-population-and-housing-estimating-homelessness/latest-release

The national peak body for homelessness in Australia: https://homelessnessaustralia.org.au/

AIHW – Homelessness Services Overview:

AIHW Housing Data: https://www.housingdata.gov.au/dashboard/meovkmx92o8jo45

Shelter SA – the peak body for housing in South Australia: https://www.sheltersa.asn.au/

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